
How to apply TKTX for tattoos

Because everyone is different, We STRONGLY recommend doing test patch on your skin a day before your procedure to ensure you do not have a reaction

Before applying

Step 1

Before application, the area must be: Free of body hair, adequately cleaned and exfoliated. (Shave & exfoliate area the night before as shaving irritates the skin)

Step 2

Dry area completely (Pat area dry with towel, try not to irritate skin by rubbing the skin)

When applying

Step 1

Generously apply the first layer of cream to the desired area, thoroughly massaging into the skin like sunscreen.

Step 2

After applying the first layer, immediately apply the second layer of cream. Apply a think second heavy layer of TKTX cream (1-2 mm thick) over the area.

Step 3

Cover the TKTX cream with plastic wrap (cling wrap). The wrap will allow superior absorption into the skin (Exposure to oxygen drastically reduces the numbing effects) When applying the wrap do NOT pull the film to tight as this will disperse the cream away from the targets area.

After applying

Step 1

Leave TKTX cream and wrap in place for 45-60 minutes before your tattoo. It is very common for artists to take longer to stencil or set up, so dont freak out if you go over the 60min timeframe.

For long procedures a during procedure gel or spray can be applied throughout your session, check out our during procedure products here.

Step 2

Skin typically remains numb for 3 – 8 hours (depending on the cream you choose)

(There may be some warm feeling to the skin and some light burning of it gets to a point that it’s burning to much take the cream off)